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Article Index Volume 7 - 9

Volume 1-22

Volume 21-22

Volume 19-20

Volume 16-18

Volume 13-15

Volume 10-12

Volume 7-9

Volume 4-6

Volume 1-3

Year: 2004 (Vol: 7 No: 1 Page: 3)

Title: Editor's Introduction
Author(s): Seymour J. Rosenthal
Abstract:  Notes from the Editor
Article PDF: 71003.pdf  

Year: 2004 (Vol: 7 No: 1 Page: 4)

Title: Distance Education Evaluation:  The Second Cohort
Author(s): Christine B. Kleinpeter and  Marilyn K.  Potts
Abstract:  This paper describes a three-year, part time distance education (DE) program taught using a combination of face-to-face and interactive television (ITV) methods.  This is a partial replication study, which describes results from the second cohort of a large DE program.  The results from the first cohort are described elsewhere (Potts & Hagan, 2000).  The present study will focus on students characteristics, student satisfaction levels, and academic and field work evaluations. Implications for social work education are discussed.
Article PDF: 71004.pdf  

Year: 2004 (Vol: 7 No: 1 Page: 14)

Title: Implementing Policy Change:  Assessing Training Needs in Addictions, Treatment and Criminal Justice Collaboratives
Author(s): Melinda Hohman, Stanley Weisner, and  Virginia Chalmers
Abstract:  The Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act of 2000, passed by California voters, offers non-violent drug offenders treatment instead of incarceration.  In a training needs assessment, 57 county oversight collaborative teams were interviewed in a focus group format to determine concerns in policy implementation and subsequent training needs.  A content analysis of the focus group discussions found that team members were concerned about clients with complex problems, lack of available treatment options, and interagency collaboration.  Training needs identified included motivating clients and working in a collaborative fashion due to the multiple agencies involved in this Act.
Article PDF: 71014.pdf  

Year: 2004 (Vol: 7 No: 1 Page: 24)

Title: CE Online:  Use it or Lose It
Author(s): Paul Dezendorf, Ronald K. Green and  Ronald Krul
Abstract:  This article describes historical periods in the later 30 Years of the 20th Century in the development of U.S. continuing social work education, highlights the flexibility and adaption of programs to changes, and suggests that the current period contains the greatest challenge to date in the form of CE online.  The article suggests that while programs enjoy increased demand they also face greater competition, more specialization, and pressure for lower costs while at the same time the development of CE online threatens to fundamentally alter their marketplace.  The article provides recommendations for reacting to this new reality.
Article PDF: 71024.pdf  

Year: 2004 (Vol: 7 No: 1 Page: 35)

Title: Developing and Implementing Outcomes Training in the Filed of Family Support:  A Case Example
Author(s): Kellie Reed-Ashcraft,  W. Reid Smithdeal,  Cynthia B. Kittle,  Nancy Sharma, and  David McClune
Abstract:  As family support programs grow in importance, North Carolina established a management information system to provide information for the purposes of management and evaluation of their family support-family resource programs.  This article describes a training effort developed by a state university on behalf of the state to provide an outcome-focused training to the local programs.  Included was training of various levels of staff on the North Carolina Family Support Outcome Scales and definitions, the management information system, and outcome's identification.  Results showed that the training was well received.  Suggestions are given for future training in the area of family support.
Article PDF: 71035.pdf  

Year: 2004 (Vol: 7 No: 1 Page: 42)

Title: At the Border: Beginning Dialogue and Partnership Bewteen a California University and a Mexican Practice Community
Author(s): Sally G. Mathiesen, Terry Carrilio, Lucinda Rasmussen, David Engstrom
Abstract:  A developmental model for international engagement is presented that incorporates key issues in the literature, including the need for faculty and practitioner expertise, challenges of international field placements, and reciprocity in partnerships. A case study is presented demonstrating a continuing education response to the knowledge, skills and values demanded by the unique environment of the California-Mexico border region. The initial dialogues and developing relationship between a California university and social work practitioners resulted in reciprocal goal setting, visits to each country's social service agencies, steps toward international student exchanges, increased involvement of staff, faculty, students and community practitioners on both sides of the border, and a binational roundtable conference.
Article PDF: 71042.pdf  

Year: 2004 (Vol: 7 No: 2 Page: 3)

Title: Editor's Introduction
Author(s): Seymour J. Rosenthal
Abstract:  Notes from the Editor
Article PDF: 72003.pdf  

Year: 2004 (Vol: 7 No: 2 Page: 4)

Title: Evaluation of a Social Work Continuing Education Curriculum in End-of-the-Life Care
Author(s): Ellen L. Csikai and Mary Raymer
Abstract:  In response to the educational needs of social workers for competence in end-of-life care, a data-driven continuing education curriculum was developed, pilot-tested, and evaluated using multiple methods.  A one-day seminar covered a range of topics, and was delivered primarily by a team of practitioners experienced in end-of-life and palliative care.  Attendees rated both the comprehensiveness of content and effectiveness of delivery approach high, in the course evaluation, and suggested expansion of the curriculum into a two-day seminar to allow for additional content and more time for discussion.
Article PDF: 72004.pdf  

Year: 2004 (Vol: 7 No: 2 Page: 12)

Title: The Views of NASW Members in One State Toward Social Action
Author(s): Janet C. Dickinson
Abstract:  This 2003 survey of one states NASW members explores the relationship between attitudes about social action and various demographic variables.  The response rate was 41 percent.  There was strong support for social action on the part if individuals , the profession, and social welfare agencies.  Social action tactics involving demonstrations and strikes had minimal support while serving as expert advisor, writing letters to editors, speaking to lay groups, organizing client groups, and contacting policy makers had strong approval.  Recommendations are made for stronger social action training in BSW and MSW programs and in continuing education programs for social workers.
Article PDF: 72012.pdf  

Year: 2004 (Vol: 7 No: 2 Page: 27)

Title: Social Workers' Perceptions of How Participation in Continuing Education Activities Leads to Changes in Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors
Author(s): Donna Leigh Bliss, Charles A. Smith, Amy Cohen-Callow, and David A. Dia
Abstract:  As family support programs grow in importance, North Carolina established a management information system to provide information for the purposes of management and evaluation of their family support/family resource programs.  This article describes a training effort developed by a state university on behalf of the state to provide an outcomes-focused training to the local programs.  Included was training of various levels of staff on the North Carolina Family Support Outcome Scales and definitions, the management information system, and outcomes identification.  Results showed that the training was well received.  Suggestions are given for future training in the area of family support.
Article PDF: 72027.pdf  

Year: 2004 (Vol: 7 No: 2 Page: 36)

Title: Testing, Treatment, and Trust: Social Work Professional Development and the Genomics Revolution
Author(s): Anna Scheyett and Kimberly Strom-Gottfried
Abstract:  Knowledge in the area of human genetics and genomics is expanding at an exponential pace, with significant implications for social work in health, mental health, and other settings.  This article identifies some key  roles social workers may play in the arena of genetics, discusses social workers responsibility for ongoing professional development in this area, and describes a flexible genetics and genomics social work curriculum developed by the authors.  We provide an evaluation of pilot curriculum implementations, discuss ongoing strategies and barriers to dissemination, and make recommendations for future actions to more fully incorporate genetics and genomics content into the social work professional knowledge base.
Article PDF: 72036.pdf  

Year: 2004 (Vol: 7 No: 2 Page: 44)

Title: Writing Apprehension Among Social Workers:  Addressing Internal and Structural Barriers to Writing About What We Do
Author(s): Virginia Rondero Hernandez, Robert Dole, and Nancy Feyl Chavkin
Abstract:  This article features the results of a survey of social work practitioners who voluntarily attended "Writing About You Do" workshops at professional conferences.  The workshop objectives were to sensitize participants to the individual experience of writing, to identify obstacles and supports for writing through the use of a standardized instrument, and to help participants reframe filed experiences into a written format.  On the basis of the outcomes of these professional workshops, the authors offer recommendations for continuing education activities that address internal and structural barriers to writing and facilitates confidence in the act of writing about one's practice experiences.
Article PDF: 72044.pdf  

Year: 2004 (Vol: 7 No: 3 Page: 3)

Title: Editor's Introduction
Author(s): Seymour J. Rosenthal
Abstract:  Notes from the Editor
Article PDF: 73003.pdf  

Year: 2004 (Vol: 7 No: 3 Page: 4)

Title: Doing Good But Making it Work:  A Reflective Commentary On The Past Fifty Years
Author(s): Edward Newman
Abstract:  Commissioned Paper
Article PDF: 73004.pdf  

Year: 2004 (Vol: 7 No: 3 Page: 10)

Title: Innovative Exchange Creates Global Continuing Education
Author(s): Kathleen Landreth Borland, and  Janice M. Hockensmith
Abstract:  In a world that is simultaneously interconnected by technology and fragmented by cultural divisions, social workers face common professional challenges.  NASW Illinois Chapter's International Activities Network address those common challenges and creates global continuing education.  The Network's exchange programs give social workers an opportunity for "cultural discourse" to improve social services worldwide.  Seasoned professionals often reexamination their assumptions, belief systems, and professional strategies.  This article describes the development of this innovative program that has brought more than 600 social work professionals together from the United States, Germany, England, and South Africa.  It demonstrates social work's global interconnectedness in relating to issues and challenges in our daily professional lives.
Article PDF: 73010.pdf  

Year: 2004 (Vol: 7 No: 3 Page: 20)

Title: Facilitating a Reciprocal International Exchange in Social Work
Author(s): Julia Mirsky and Miriam Barasch
Abstract:  There is a growing recognition of the importance of exchanges between social workers from different countries, but the reciprocity of such exchanges is controversial.  This paper describes an international exchange program that included a mediated cultural immersion and facilitated a reciprocal encounter between western and non-western professionals.  Factors that enabled the successful encounter and conditions needed for the replication of such programs in other settings are delineated and discussed.
Article PDF: 73020.pdf  

Year: 2004 (Vol: 7 No: 3 Page: 30)

Title: Professional Organizational Culture and Retention in Child welfare:  Implications for Continuing Education for Supervision and Professional Development
Author(s): Alberta J. Ellett, and Kenneth I. Millar
Abstract:  This study was designed to understand linkage between new measures of professional organizational culture and employee's intentions to remain employed in child welfare.  A survey was administered to all professional staff in two states, and 941 useable surveys were analyzed.  The findings provide additional support for the validity of the measures and confirmed the hypothesized linkages between dimensions of professional organizational culture and intentions to remain employed.  Implications of the findings for the professional development of supervisors and administrators to strengthen organizational culture in three areas (administrative support, professional sharing among subordinates, and articulating vision and professional commitment) are discussed.
Article PDF: 73030.pdf  

Year: 2004 (Vol: 7 No: 3 Page: 39)

Title: Training Field Instructors:  An Education Module for Field Instructors and Educators
Author(s): Glenda F. Lester Short, Wanda Wahanee Priddy, Marja-Leena Mc Chesney, and Vicki Murdock
Abstract:  This training module address the need for continuing education of field instructors as required by the CSWE.  This article discusses how to orient and train novice and experience social workers as field instructors.  Present is over a decade history of collaboration, development, implementations, evaluation, and revision of the module that has been used to prepare field educators to function effectively as teachers.  Following the literature review that gives a conceptual framework and knowledge base for the training that reviews teaching and learning in social work field education, this article discusses the evaluation process and effectiveness of this particular training.
Article PDF: 73039.pdf  

Year: 2005 (Vol: 8 No: 1 Page: 3)

Title: Editor's Introduction
Author(s): Seymour J. Rosenthal
Abstract:  Notes from the Editor
Article PDF: 81003.pdf  

Year: 2005 (Vol: 8 No: 1 Page: 4)

Title: Understanding and Promoting the Friendships of People with a Dual Diagnosis
Author(s): James R. Dudley
Abstract:  The friendship and other social supports of people who have a dual diagnosis of development disabilities and mental illness are very important to the quality of their lives.  Yet, little is known about these friendships.   The study reported in this article examined the best friend of 90 people with a dual diagnosis based on personal interviews with them.  Questions also explored how staff members supported or discouraged these friendships.  The study compared four general types of best friends.  They were other consumers, staff members, relatives, and outsiders.  The results suggest that each of these four types of best friends raise different issues and deserve different strategies for friendship-building.  Overall, the results suggest that the friendships of people with disabilities deserve considerably more attention in continuing education and staff-in-service training efforts.  Several ideas are shared in the article for improving our understanding of their friendships.  Recommendation are also offered for how continuing education efforts can help in enhancing their existing friendships of other groups such as older adults, people with AIDS, and people with physical disabilities.
Article PDF: 81004.pdf  

Year: 2005 (Vol: 8 No: 1 Page: 15)

Title: Toward Synthesis:  Practical Techniques to Integrate Theory and Practice
Author(s): Vicki Murdock, Wanda Wahnee Priddy, Marja NcChesney, Glenda Short, and Jim Ward
Abstract:  A challenge faced by field instructors, as well as classroom faculty, is to provide opportunities for the social work student to make a workable "whole" out of a segmented curriculum and the distinct but interactive worlds of school and agency, a process that may take years.  This article offers a practical module designed for field instructor and student learning about the process of integrating theory and practice (or classroom and field work) that has been evaluated positively by field faculty.  The article offers a review of field education integration issues as well as detailed instruction and handouts for implementing the experiential activities.
Article PDF: 81015.pdf  

Year: 2005 (Vol: 8 No: 1 Page: 27)

Title: Transfer of Child Welfare Research Findings to the Field:  An Internet-Based Training Series
Author(s): Sandra Owens-Kane, Laurie A. Smith, and Ramona Brinson
Abstract:  Transferring empirically based research findings via an on-line curriculum offers an opportunity to enhance and develop child welfare worker competencies and practice, thereby achieving the main objectives of the federal Title IV-E Child Welfare Training Program.  This article describes and evaluates the development, deployment, utilization and effectiveness of an innovative, web-based child welfare training series based on findings from several Title IV-E sponsored research projects.   The findings indicate that this technology transfer method provides a viable and sustainable means for universities and child welfare agencies to collaborate in efforts to improve worker knowledge and skills.
Article PDF: 81027.pdf  

Year: 2005 (Vol: 8 No: 1 Page: 38)

Title: Distance Education:  The Use of Blackboard Software in Practice Methods Courses Taught Over Ltv
Author(s): Christine B. Kleinpeter, Agathi Glezakos and Marilyn K. Potts
Abstract:  In this pilot study Blackboard software was introduced to supplement the traditional delivery of course content of a practice methods course  taught over interactive television (ITV).  Distance education (DE) students participated in a three-year, part time MSW program taught utilizing 75 percent ITV and 25 percent face-to-face methods.  This paper compares the utilization of case vignettes and discussion questions which were presented over the web to both DE and on-campus students.  Case vignettes were employed to supplement course content in the areas of social work knowledge, values, and skills.  Results indicated that a higher percentage of DE students utilized the web-based teaching approaches in social work education, particularly, in practice methods courses.
Article PDF: 81038.pdf  

Year: 2005 (Vol: 8 No: 1 Page: 46)

Title: Attitudes of Members in One NASW Chapter About Social Action:  A 1972 and 2003 Comparison Study
Author(s): Janet C. Dickinson
Abstract:  This survey of NASW members in one state of attitudes about social replicates a 1972 survey.  The 1972 and 2003 Findings are compared.  The 2003 response rate was 42 percent.  Many agreed that social reform should be a high priority of the profession.  Fewer agreed on tactics of social action.  In 2003, respondents had greater agreement with many social action tactics, were more likely to voluntarily participate in social action before, during, and after graduate school, and felt greater obligation to clients and the professional than to their employer.  Implications of these findings for continuing education are discussed.
Article PDF: 81046.pdf  

Year: 2005 (Vol: 8 No: 2, 3 Page: 5)

Title: Editor's Introduction
Author(s): Seymour J. Rosenthal
Abstract:  Notes from the Editor
Article PDF: 83005.pdf  

Year: 2005 (Vol: 8 No: 2, 3 Page: 6)

Title: Perspectives From the Field
Author(s): Wiliam T. Bergman
Abstract:  Editorial
Article PDF: 83006.pdf  

Year: 2005 (Vol: 8 No: 2, 3 Page: 7)

Title: Guest Editor's Comments
Author(s): Tracy M. Soska, John Trudeau
Abstract:  Editorial
Article PDF: 83007.pdf  

Year: 2005 (Vol: 8 No: 2, 3 Page: 12)

Title: The Path to Partnership: A New Model for Understanding University-Community Partnerships
Author(s): Eric Gass
Abstract:  There have been several attempts by different teams of researchers to define the characteristics of community-campus partnerships.  The primary focus of this article is to look at the essential dimensions community-campus partnerships.  The dimensions that each research group has developed will be presented.  Following that, a new model will be proposed, integrating the dimensions that have been identified across the existing models.  After the presentation of the new model, each dimension within the model will be defined, the five essential dimensions of partnership will be elaborated upon, and the interrelationships among the dimensions will be outlined.
Article PDF: 83012.pdf  

Year: 2005 (Vol: 8 No: 2, 3 Page: 24)

Title: A Model for a Pro-Active and Progressive University-Community Partnership
Author(s): David Fasenfest, Larry Grant
Abstract:  Community redevelopment in a coherent and long-term manner that addresses the needs of its residents is a core agenda for many University projects.  After briefly recounting the relationship of universities to their communities we identify what we call "University against Community" and "University with Community" initiatives - the former in response to the university's agenda while the latter reflects that of the community.  We argue that an effective University-Community Partnership must be of the latter variety, and must exhibit comprehensiveness, synchrony, integration, long-term perspective, and inclusiveness if it is to be truly transformative.  We offer a proposal for a University-Community Partnership that has been developed in collaboration with University faculty and the active participation of community stakeholders.  Focused primarily on food and nutrition, this proposed program known as the Lishe Compact involves faculty and students, coordinates community agencies, and pools limited resources to improve interagency planning, builds local capacity, and engages residents in rebuilding the community.
Article PDF: 83024.pdf  

Year: 2005 (Vol: 8 No: 2, 3 Page: 40)

Title: Merging Organizational Development and Social Work Practice to Mentor Organizations to Stability and Sustainability: The Resource Mentoring Project
Author(s): H. Ted Busch, Karen Hopkins, Cheryl A. Hyde, Amy Cohen-Callow, Elizabeth Fisher, Shari Miller
Abstract:  This article describes the implementation and evaluation of the Resource Mentoring Project, a university-community partnerships that aims to build organizational capacity in grassroots community and faith-based organizations.  Using a casework approach in which an organization is the "client," RMP staff provide client agencies with access to a network of technical assistance providers, a capacity assessment tool, a tailored action plan for organizational development, and a match with organizational mentors that helped agencies build capacity in needed areas.  The efforts yielded positive outcomes for many of the agencies and several important lessons for successful grassroots organizational capacity building.
Article PDF: 83040.pdf  

Year: 2005 (Vol: 8 No: 2, 3 Page: 50)

Title: The Role of Leadership Development in Addressing Urban Community Challenges
Author(s): John Musewicz, Marcine Pickron-Davis, James T. Harris, Geoffrey Marczyk
Abstract:  Widener University is an independent, metropolitan, doctoral granting institution whose main campus is located in Chester, Pennsylvania.  Widener is committed to addressing the region's most pressing concerns by contributing to the vitality and well-being of the local community.  Chester is a distressed city of 36,000 residents, and this leadership development initiative targeted members of the Sun Hill community, which is located within Chester and adjacent to Widener.  Sun Hill residents reflect a multitude of diversity in terms of age, race, and resident status.  Quality of life issues, such as trash, curfew violations, drug-related violence, and a general increase in crimes involving theft of property and violence have pervaded the community.  This leadership development initiative was designed to catalyze neighborhood revitalization by enhancing the leadership skills of Sun Hill residents, helping them to contribute to the recreation of a viable community.  Components of the leadership training included recruiting participants, assessing their leadership strengths and developmental needs, and delivering classroom based training and individualized coaching sessions.  Analysis of aggregate data collected during the program indicated that participants have levels of emotional intelligence (an important contributor to effective leadership skill) comparable to the general population, but do not yet have the level of leadership competency exhibited by successful managers in corporate America.  Discussion of these results and the program is provided, and conclusions and recommendations are made.
Article PDF: 83050.pdf  

Year: 2005 (Vol: 8 No: 2, 3 Page: 64)

Title: University-Community Collaborations: A Case Study of an Effective Partnership
Author(s): Manoj Pardasani
Abstract:  University-Community collaboration have become integral to the overarching missions of educational institutions nationwide.  While this trend has always existed in schools of social work, to some extent, this current debate has encouraged the schools to re-asses their commitment to empowerment, advocacy and social action in the context of the communities in which they are located.  This article presents a case study of a productive, meaningful and mutually beneficial partnership established between a community coalition and a school of social work.  This partnership was initiative without any fiscal incentive, but prospered due to the commitment of the school and individual faculty members.  The joint project implemented, the benefits and challenges of initiating and maintaining such collaborations, and lessons learned from this experience are discussed.
Article PDF: 83064.pdf  

Year: 2005 (Vol: 8 No: 2, 3 Page: 73)

Title: Empowering Young African American Males for the 21st Century: A Collaborative Model Between a University and an African American Church
Author(s): Sharon E. Moore, Wanda Lott Collins, Seana Golder, Judith C. Heitzman, Jacquelyn Monroe
Abstract:  Young African American males exhibit resilience and strength despite being bombarded by numerous obstacles and barriers.  The purpose of this article is to discuss a university/faith-based collaborative project, the “Canaan Conference Project,” that was aimed at empowering young African American males toward academic achievement through life skills presentations by adult African American males who served as role models.  This collaborative is a model for replication by others in social work and closely related professions.
Article PDF: 83073.pdf  

Year: 2005 (Vol: 8 No: 2, 3 Page: 84)

Title: Role Changes, Learning Enhancements and Professional Development Through a University-School Collaborative
Author(s): Sandra Austin, Katherine Briar-Lawson, Alice King-Ingham, Jerry Spicer, Dorinda Davis
Abstract:  Engaged Universities position Schools of Social Work to be campus hubs for new kinds of outreach scholarship, pedagogy and programming.  This case study reports on one facet of the outreach work undertaken by a School of Social Work with its neighboring elementary school in an urban, inner city community.  It delineates ways that professional development can emerge when social workers and teachers collaborate to addressing barriers to learning.  Outreach pedagogy positioned students in several macro practice classes to acquire community-building skills.  Outcomes from the pedagogical, outreach and capacity building work are reported along with recommendation for further development such as evaluation research.
Article PDF: 83084.pdf  

Year: 2005 (Vol: 8 No: 2, 3 Page: 98)

Title: University Agency Collaboration to Design, Implement, and Evaluate a Leadership Development System
Author(s): Thomas Packard, Jennifer Tucker-Tatlow, Jessica Waechter, Patti Rahiser, Donald E. Dudley
Abstract:  A collaboration between two schools of social work and nine county human service organizations has provided opportunities for university service to communities and organizations, research for the counties, and the enrichment of university curricula.  University staff facilitate and provide staff support for quarterly meetings of the nine directors, and have completed several action research projects for them.  A leadership development initiative to chance succession planning for the departments has successfully developed 24 of their staff interested in promoting to executive management.  The program and its evaluation finding are presented here, followed by lessons learned which may be useful to other collaborations.

For the past four years, two schools of social work (San Diego State University and California State University, San Bernardino) have been engaged in an ongoing collaboration with the directors of nine county human service organizations in Southern California.  The purpose of this paper is to present some of products, models, and lessons learned from this ongoing collaboration.  Specifically, several major research and training projects have provided valuable technical assistance and capacity building for the nine involved organizations.  One project in particular, a leadership development initiative, will be presented in detail as an example of training for organizational leadership.  Research designs used included qualitative, quantitative, and case study methods.  The knowledge gained from the projects has been useful not only to the involved agencies but also to university faculty, in the form of knowledge and insights about agency practice which have informed curriculum development in a social work administration concentration.
Article PDF: 83098.pdf  

Year: 2005 (Vol: 8 No: 2, 3 Page: 108)

Title: Social Work Professional Education and Workforce Development: A Ladder of Learning
Author(s): Teresa Morris
Abstract:  This article suggests that university based social work programs can collaborate with work place based academies to create a new model of social work professional education providing life-long learning from high school to the doctoral level.  A “ladder of learning” is proposed linking educational levels, competencies, work place requirements and organizational change.  It is suggested that such a framework gives social work a conceptual tool to identify, discuss and promote educational and work place reform.
Article PDF: 83108.pdf  

Year: 2005 (Vol: 8 No: 2, 3 Page: 116)

Title: Escape From the Ivory Tower
Author(s): Hilda Loughran, Mary Ellen McCann
Abstract:  University College Dublin is the largest university in the Republic of Ireland.  The School of Applied Social Science has been working with the community and voluntary sector in the implementation of third level courses in community drugs work.  Participation in third level education is unevenly distributed throughout society.  For many it is the opportunity to engage in a formal, accredited learning process.
Article PDF: 83116.pdf  

Year: 2006 (Vol: 9 No: 1 Page: 3)

Title: Editor's Introduction
Author(s): Seymour J. Rosenthal
Abstract:  Notes from the Editor
Article PDF: 91003.pdf  

Year: 2006 (Vol: 9 No: 1 Page: 4)

Title: Social Services Workers' and Supervisors' Perceptions of Domestic Violence Training
Author(s): Brian K. Payne, Diane Cyr Carmody, Gina Respass, and Kara Hoofnagle
Abstract:  The lack of college coursework on family violence has resulted in a need for professional development focusing on the role of social services workers in domestic violence cases.  Very little research, however, has considered how workers define their experiences with domestic violence cases as compared to their perceptions of training in this area.  To fill this void, focus groups and in-depth telephone interviews were conducted to assess how social workers and supervisors described their experiences with domestic violence cases and their perceptions of the appropriate forms of training.  Results show differences between the experiences and perceptions of workers and supervisors.
Article PDF: 91004.pdf  

Year: 2006 (Vol: 9 No: 1 Page: 13)

Title: Social Work Doctoral Students and Online Technology
Author(s): Jay S. Swiefach and Heidi Heft-LaPorte
Abstract:  Social work practice today requires that practitioners be proficient in the use of online technologies.  Although social  workers can use information technology for such purposes as conduction research, sharing ideas, communicating with colleagues, and publishing work, very little is known about how social workers use these resources, and the extent to which online activities have supplemented and enhanced scholarly and professional capabilities.  This article reports the findings of a study which examined the manner in which social work doctoral students use online technology, the patterns of its use, and perceptions regarding benefits and self efficacy.  The implications and findings are discussed as well as some strategies to enhance the use of these resources among social work students, faculty and practitioners.
Article PDF: 91013.pdf  

Year: 2006 (Vol: 9 No: 1 Page: 24)

Title: Meeting the Addiction Education and Training Needs of Rural Master's Level Social Workers
Author(s): Timothy B. Conley, David L. Schantz, Sarah Shea, and Mavis Vaillancourt
Abstract:  A comprehensive statewide survey of Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSW's) concerning graduate level and continuing education training needs in addictions finds inadequate preparedness for work with addicted constituents, and high interest in and need for training.  Respondents advise that addiction training be infused throughout the MSW curriculum or be separately required.  Survey respondents numbered 294 which is 76.9 percent of the entire population of LCSWs serving a large rural state, all of whom were surveyed.  Selected for survey because they are experienced providers, the group received education in social work schools across North America.  Results from this sample confirm calls by others for increasing social worker's addiction related education.  Implications for social work educational environments concerning addictions training and work force development missions are discussed.
Article PDF: 91024.pdf  

Year: 2006 (Vol: 9 No: 1 Page: 34)

Title: An Online Course in Trauma for School Personnel World Wide: Collaboration, Challenges, and Opportunities
Author(s): Helene Jackson and Jennifer Elkins
Abstract:  In this paper we present an innovative, interactive online course in childhood trauma for school personnel worldwide.  We identify and discuss the academic and cultural challenges and opportunities encountered in a university, public and community agency collaboration.  The goal of the project was threefold; 1) to educate social workers, teachers, school counselors, and administrators to respond to the needs of students (K-12) whose lives have been disrupted by traumatic events; 2) to create a classroom of geographically and ethnically diverse participants in which a collaborative global community could develop; and 3) to evaluate the academic value of the course as reflected in participants knowledge acquisition, adoption and diffusion, and satisfaction.
Article PDF: 91034.pdf  

Year: 2006 (Vol: 9 No: 1 Page: 45)

Title: Examining the Major Barriers to Employment Among TANF Recipients and the Role of Continuing Education in Preparing the Professional Workforce
Author(s): Rebecca Leela Thomas, Rita S. Fierro and Scott Novakowski
Abstract:  This paper highlights the barriers to employment of TANF recipients.  The dual goals of employment and family reunifications demanded clients to comply with the sometimes opposing demands of the service delivery systems.  This paper underscores the importance of continuing social work education in informing workforce development efforts.  These efforts include; 1) developing practice models of intervention; 2) creating a forum for service providers to network amongst themselves; 3) helping service providers understand and modify the demands placed on clients; and 4) developing monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for social programs.  Continuing  education programs can provide important training in all these areas.
Article PDF: 91045.pdf  

Year: 2006 (Vol: 9 No: 2, 3 Page: 5)

Title: Editor's Introduction
Author(s): Seymour J. Rosenthal
Abstract:  Notes from the Editor
Article PDF: 92005.pdf  

Year: 2006 (Vol: 9 No: 2, 3 Page: 7)

Title: Values and Technology:  Benefits and Difficulties of Applied Research in Child Welfare
Author(s): Michael Kelly and Paul Sundet
Abstract:  The guest editors of this special issue examine the underpinnings of social policy development as applied to the filed of child welfare and assess the current state of consensus and dissensus on the values and methodologies currently employed to implement public policy.  The premises of the research in this volume are explained and a short synopsis of the articles and their relevance to the issue theme are presented.
Article PDF: 92007.pdf  

Year: 2006 (Vol: 9 No: 2, 3 Page: 12)

Title: The Children's Bureau Quality Improvement Centers:  Knowledge Development Through Research Collaborations in Child Welfare
Author(s): Carol Hafford, Melissa Lim Brodowski, Catherine Nolan and Jack Denniston
Abstract:  With the renewed emphasis on evidence-based practice in child welfare the U.S. Children's Bureau has reinforced its commitment to empirically sound demonstration projects as a means of furthering best practices in this field.  One critical thrust in this imitative has been the creation and funding of Quality Improvement Centers (QIC).  Through involving intermediary organizations in grant making, managing the required research and disseminating findings, Children's Bureau sought to not only improve child protective practices but make demonstrations specific locality relevant and foster local and regional collaborations that would extend beyond the funding periods.  This article summarizes finding from the interim national evaluation of the initial cluster of four QIC's focusing on some of the lessons already learned from this innovation and potentials for this model in future demonstrations.
Article PDF: 92012.pdf  

Year: 2006 (Vol: 9 No: 2, 3 Page: 24)

Title: University/Child Welfare Agency Partnerships:  Building a Bridge Between the Ivory Tower and the State Office Building
Author(s): Crystal Collins-Camargo, and Kay Hoffman
Abstract:  This article explores the potential for true partnerships between university social work programs and public welfare agencies.  This partnership has a deeply moral foundation related to the purpose of social work which is potential symbiotic and nature.  Social work education and public child welfare both have a stake in the generation of evidence based practice through collaborative research.  A rationale for the development of child welfare agencies as learning laboratories, in which the partnership with universities builds upon but extends beyond Title Iv-E training and education programs, is offered.  Aspects of this potential collaboration include field education, professional education of practitioners, informing and conducting applied research, development and testing of theory-grounded practice techniques and practice protocols, maintaining the relevance of social work education, integration of field innovations into the curriculum, engagement in non-voluntary practice, understanding and interpreting public policy decisions,  and the use of practitioners as social work educators.  The comprehensive exploration of such a partnership offers much to both child welfare and academia.
Article PDF: 92024.pdf  

Year: 2006 (Vol: 9 No: 2, 3 Page: 38)

Title: Secondary Traumatic Stress in Child Welfare Workers:  Exploring the Role of Supervisory Culture
Author(s): Brian E. Bride and Jenny L. Jones
Abstract:  The purpose of this exploratory study was to examine relationships between symptoms of secondary traumatic stress and child welfare worker's perceptions of the culture of supervision in their organizations. A convenience sample of 307 child protection services workers responded to a web based survey that included measures secondary traumatic stress and supervisory culture and practice.  Results suggest that action-oriented (active) rather than emotion-oriented (passive) support from supervisors is most helpful in preventing or reducing secondary traumatic stress among child welfare workers.  Further, it is the qualitative aspects of supervision rather that the quantity of supervision that is most important in preventing STS.
Article PDF: 92038.pdf  

Year: 2006 (Vol: 9 No: 2, 3 Page: 44)

Title: Personal and Organizational Correlates of Outcomes in Child Welfare:  Implications for Supervision and Continuing Professional Development
Author(s): Alberta Ellett, Crystal Collins-Camargo, and Chad D. Ellett
Abstract:  This article describes the finding from recent research focused on personal and organizations factors related to organizational outcomes in child welfare and discusses the implications of these findings for supervision and continuing professional development of child welfare staff.  The results of several recent large-scale studies using quantitative and/or qualitative methods are reviewed as a continuing line of inquiry concerned with child welfare employee retention and organizational outcomes (including selected CFSR variables).  The critical role that supervisors play in strengthening organizational culture and personal characteristics of staff (e. g. self-efficacy beliefs) as a means of enhancing organizational outcomes is emphasized and suggestions for future research are provided.
Article PDF: 92044.pdf  

Year: 2006 (Vol: 9 No: 2, 3 Page: 54)

Title: Making a Mission Statement a Realty in Child Welfare:  Resiliency and Solution-Focused Therapy as Core Strategy
Author(s): Kim Anderson and Paul Sundet
Abstract:  Child welfare agencies regularly espouse a philosophy of "family-centered" and "strengths-based" practice but factors including traditional practice, court auspices and deficient technology combine to impede attaining the worthwhile goals contained in the typical mission statement.  In a three-year demonstration project designed to promote organizational culture change and increase clinical competencies of workers, this issue was added by adopting a human behavior base of resiliency and care intervention strategy of solution-focused therapy.  This article details the implementation of that process and the empirical results on worker attitude and case performance.
Article PDF: 92054.pdf  

Year: 2006 (Vol: 9 No: 2, 3 Page: 65)

Title: From Isolation to Teamwork:  Mississippi's Story of Cultural Change in Child Welfare
Author(s): Kim Shackelford, Kathleen Sullivan, Maxine Harper, and Tiffany Edwards
Abstract:  Professional isolation is a major impediment to positive morale among public child welfare supervisors in rural settings.  In this project in Mississippi supervisors in two regions were provided the opportunity for ongoing peer support by engaging in structured learning laboratories of their own design followed by regular mentoring sessions with university faculty.  Using a quasi-experimental design an external evaluation team assessed the perceived changes in organizational culture, supervisee assessment of self-efficacy and worker turnover rates between the experimental and control areas and found significant positive impact from the model employed.  The article offer practical suggestions on implementation of organizational change through supervisor development.
Article PDF: 92065.pdf  

Year: 2006 (Vol: 9 No: 2, 3 Page: 78)

Title: The Impact of Organizational Culture on Intention to Remain in Public Child Welfare:  A Case Study in Tennessee
Author(s): Jenny L. Jones and Sangmi Cho
Abstract:  This article presents findings from an exploratory study of frontline child protective services supervisors in Tennessee and the impact professional organizational cultures had on their intent to remain employed in public child welfare.  This study was a apart of a large research demonstration project that examined the impact of supervision on worker practice, intent to remain employed and overall outcomes to children and families.  The study contributes to existing child welfare literature on frontline child protection supervisor, and 2) accessing the effects and the impact of organizational culture in a public child welfare agency.
Article PDF: 92078.pdf  

Year: 2006 (Vol: 9 No: 2, 3 Page: 91)

Title: Translating Group Learning into Individual Behavioral Change:  The Role of Critical Analysis Tools in Professional Growth
Author(s): Paul Sundet and Michael Kelly
Abstract:  Improving supervisors ability to teach, supervise and develop clinical skills in front line child welfare workers is critical to improving the quality of services and retention of skilled workers.  However, Supervisory development presents a dilemma for the employing agency.  Empowering supervisors to develop worker's critical analysis abilities, which are essential to effective case work, will likely involve questioning dearly held assumptions, values, and policies of the organization.  This article explores the dilemma of training and development where such an approach is attempted.  Should a staff development initiative for child welfare professionals be directed toward learning within agency defined boundaries, i.e. true learning?  This article details a three year supervisory development programs designed to empower teaching and application of critical reflective skills in front line workers.
Article PDF: 92091.pdf  

Year: 2006 (Vol: 9 No: 2, 3 Page: 100)

Title: Clinical Supervision in Public Child Welfare:  Themes from Findings of a Multisite Study
Author(s): Crystal Collins-Camargo
Abstract:  This article summarizes the themes from findings of a multisite study conducted in four states' child welfare agencies to test the impact of the implementation of clinical casework supervision.  The studies were conducted through the work of a ten state collaborative administrated by the Southern Regional Quality Improvement Center on Child Protection and funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  Overall quantitative and qualitative findings of the intervention's impact on satisfaction with supervision, organizational culture, worker practice in assessment and treatment, and client outcomes are summarized.  While the outcomes varied across sites, the overall findings support the potential for clinical supervision approaches to be used in this setting.  The utilization of learning collaborations on the site an multisite level was successful in promoting positive findings as well as comprehensive dissemination activities targeted toward impacting practice.  In addition, themes regarding the use of a university, public agency, community partnership, and factors impacting the implementation and evaluation of the projects are described.
Article PDF: 92100.pdf  

Year: 2006 (Vol: 9 No: 2, 3 Page: 111)

Title: Toward the Development of a Research-Based Employee Selection Protocol:  Implications for Child Welfare Supervision, Administration, and Professional Development
Author(s): Alberta J. Ellett, Chad D. Ellett, Tonya M. Westbrook and Betsy Lerner
Abstract:  This article describes components and procedures for the development of a new research-based child welfare Employee Selection Protocol (ESP).  This protocol represents a model that child welfare agencies can use to better select employees with the requisite entry-level knowledge, skills, abilities, and values (KSAVs) that are considered minimally essential for effective job performance.  The long-term goals of developing and implementing the new ESP are to: (a) improve the validity, reliability, and job-relatedness of current child welfare employee selection and hiring processes; (b) enhance the standardization of new employee selection who are suited for work in child welfare; © develop procedures to strengthen application screening of new employee who are suited for work in child welfare; (d) increase child welfare employee retention rates; and ultimately; (e) strengthen services provided to children and families.  Implications for employee selection, supervision, and retention are discussed.
Article PDF: 92111.pdf  

Year: 2006 (Vol: 9 No: 2, 3 Page: 122)

Title: A Complex Partnership to Optimize and Stabilize the Public Child Welfare Workforce
Author(s): Hal A. Lawson, Mary McCarthy, Katherine Briar-Lawson, Peter Miraglia, Jessica Strolin and James Caringi
Abstract:  This article introduces a complex partnership developed in a Northeastern state.  It's aim is to optimize and stabilize public child welfare workforce and thereby improve outcomes for clients as well as results for county and borough agencies.  To achieve this aim, this partnership has implemented a comprehensive, multi-faceted strategy.  Intermediaries play a pivotal roles in this partnership system.  Originating with a focus on social work education, this partnership quickly focuses on research.  Participatory workforce research aimed at understanding turnover led to hybrid, complex intervention involving team-driven participatory action research and learning in local agencies.  These design teams, facilitated by social worker, connect professional development and organizational development to retention planning and ultimately, to workforce optimization initiatives.
Article PDF: 92122.pdf  

Year: 2006 (Vol: 9 No: 2, 3 Page: 140)

Title: Lessons Learned from an Innovative University-community Agency Collaboration:  The Development of a Direct Practice for Training for Child Welfare and Mental Health Social Workers
Author(s): Suzanne Boyd, Deana F. Morrow, Marcia A. Shobe, and Frankie Tack
Abstract:  This article reports on the development and implementation of a 6-session child welfare and mental health training series developed in response to identified training needs by a local Department of Youth and Family Services and Department of Mental Health.  A team of five facility members (four full-time and one part-time) delivered the training content to direct line workers and supervisors over a 2-month period.  Quantitative and qualitative evaluation data are reported from the training sessions, followed by a discussion of the lessons learned from this training series.  Suggestions regarding future trainings are offered.
Article PDF: 92140.pdf